01 December, 2006

A Showcase of the Kingdom of God

"Israel was to be a living example or 'showcase' of the righteous kingdom of God. The nations could learn through the faith and life of Israel and say, Here are people who know and serve a wonderful God. His laws are fair and benefit everyone. They even protect the animals and preserve the soil. Best of all, these people have hope.." -Roger Greenway, Go and Make Disciples, P&R

Is this what the world sees in the Church? Does the Church posess the ability of being seen by an unbelieving world as a people who 'showcase' the righteousness of the kingdom of God? Does the church even have an understanding of what the kingdom of God is, nonetheless a righteous one? And does the world see a people with hope, or do they see the same materialism, worldlimindedness, and pessimism that has become a cultural norm?


NPE said...

Here is another good quote from the book

"Missionary zeal, at its deepest level, is a holy jealousy for the honor and glory of Jesus Christ. It may be called the 'patriotism of the kingdom of Christ'."

I think that I am obessed with this idea- let us strive to become patriots of the kingdom of Christ!

Anonymous said...

It does say a lot about us when we do a better job showing national patriotism than we do kingdom patriotism. Good reminder.