Sabbath a'Brakel: On Unconverted Church Members
By maintaining that only true believers are members of the church, we do not claim that there are no unconverted in the congregation, but that they are not present as true members there. There neither has been, nor will ever be a church upon earth in which there are no unconverted, that is, those who merely run along; yes, the latter are generally in the majority. There is a significant difference between being in the church, and being of the church (II: 14).
What do you think he means by "they are not present as true members are"?
I think that he means not present in spiritual communion with Christ. They are are present in worship- but not PRESENT in WORSHIP.
I have no idea what that menas...
They are physically present, but not there spiritually.
Any better?
The majority? Maybe in a' Brakel's time, but nowadays, one goes willingly and, while there are still those that "merely run along" and are not true believers, the majority of unbelievers are off doing things of the world and not participating in worship.
Also, indeed it is important to remember that mere church attendance is not sufficient. It may make you feel good (moral, your duty is done for the week), but it is not enough.
Good post. :)
Well, that's a bit easier to understand, but we're still left with the question of how someone's body can be in worship, but not their spirit.
On a related note, do you think the people spoken of Hebrews 12:22-24 ("you have come to Mount Zion, etc.) can include the hypocrites? It is, after all, set within the context of a warning - "see that you do note refuse him who speaks" and "our God is a consuming fire".
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