Tulip Girl has shown us via Douglas Wilson that even us Reformed and Presbyterian Christians can speak in tongues. The problem is that some choose to do so at the expense of letting the unconverted, who need to hear the evengelion, understand the epistemological foundations of the divine syllabus thus making our missiological vocatsio of no effect out of acting antithetically to the revealed characterological nature of God which is the speak in condescension and in anthropomorphic terminology.
Well Nate, Good point! Some of my Reslife pals are amazed I have not achieved the level of tongue-speak. Well frankly I haven't wanted to. I'm still trying to figure out what The Bible is saying to me. I don't want to confuse or stress myself out with an overload of lingo.
Our pastor encourages speaking in tougues as a private interaction between you and God and not as a public display.He does it when on road trips. My understanding is that the Holy Spirit converses with God praying in an "all Knowing" fashion. Some people have been "freaked Out" by tongue-speak. Of course it can be equally frightening when theo-speaks are on a roll...
One thing that has changed is my voice and my ability to sing in different keys. I have a new voice to go with the new songs in my heart!
Of course the absolute most important speak is the LOVE speak and the LIVING YOUR LIFE speak according to Gods word. This can be accomplished without words of any kind and frequently requires only the right combination of actions!!!!
God views us all the same and he has no favorites. So then all the noise is just that! Static! Yes, action-speak works! (jumping for joy as I sign off...)
So funny, so true! I just read an article which mentioned a book: Barthian Soteriology Reexamined in the Light of Amyraldian Ecclesiology. And all that's EASY to understand!
characterological... good word.
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