Thank God that we have a Spiritual Physician who has diagnosed us as spiritually dead, yet did not leave us to pay eternally for our diagnosis. Christ has been our diagnostician as well as the one who has made us take the remedy in the application of the redemption of the cross. Let us live our lives as men and women who are thankful for that redemption which has been accomplished and applied for us through Christ.
Christ is the most cheap physician, he takes no fee. He desires us to bring nothing to him but broken hearts; and when he has cured us he desires us to bestow nothing on him but our love.
~Thomas Watson
Watson wanted us to bring Christ our broken hearts? Boy, that sure sounds like works righteousness to me. Guess he's now outside the camp...
Seriously, though, good post. What a comfort to know that Christ heals us and doesn't leave us on our own.
Very well put Nate. What a difference it would be if we could remember this all the time.
How often we forget that God is close, at least our actions show this at times. (maybe its just me)
With the kids I work with now, they just don't understand how this applies to them. They cannot wrap their minds around the idea, and I cannot seem to explain it well enough.
Joe, Humbly plead for God to open the hearts and minds of these kids your working with.Then ask him to put on you the exact words he would have you say!!!
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