Part of my internship is leading the "prayer and praise" during summer Wednesday evenings. We gather at the home of one of our members and sing and pray. We use the
United Presbyterian Psalter of 1912 in our congregation so the following numbers correspond with this book of praise. Last week we went through 'the Church' in the Psalter and looked at some of the ways that she is described as well as some of her duties. This discussion and Psalm sing led to some very good prayer for the church and her faithfulness. We will be looking at some other themes as the summer continues. If you would like to join us feel free to email me and I will give you further directions. I hope that the following copy of the handout can be helpful to your own family worship or private worship.
50: Diverse, faithful, everlasting.
63: Redeemed from adversity.
69: Secure, peaceful, and happy.
125: Regal, loved, and wedded.
205: Christ’s inheritance, saved by grace.
224: Fought against by God’s enemies.
260: Rejoices over God’s work on earth.
368: Shouts with joy and is Christ’s glory.
373/374: Indwelt by God & sings His praise.
375: Praises and blesses God’s name.
403: Built, cared for, and blessed of God.